How to create cookies in JavaScript ?
Syntax: document.cookie = name=value; [expires=date];[path=path];[domain=domainname];[secure];
example: document.dookie="user_id=u0012;expires=Tuesday, 29 March 2011 9:51:43 PM;;path="/"; secure; ";
Cookie attributes must be terminated with a semicolon.
Attributes of a Cookie
- Cookie Name - Name of the cookie and the value stored in it.
- Domain - Domain of the server that created the cookie
- Expiration Date-Expiration date of the cookie. A cookie normally expires when the current browser session ends. But you can specify an expiration date.
- Path - The path is used to specify where the cookie is valid for a particular server.
- Secure - If a cookie is secure, it must be sent over a HTTPS server.
All of above attributes are not compulsory. It it is enough to user name and expiration date when creating a cookie. Cookies are domain-specific. It means, if one domain creates a cookie, another domain cannot access it. When assigning name attribute's value to a cookie, you cannot use whitespace, semicolons, or commas. The escape() function will encode the string object by converting all non-alphanumeric characters to their hexadecimal equivalent. You can use unescape() function when get (decode) the string back into its original value.
1. Example code for create a cookie.
JavaScript Code
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function setCookie(){
var cookieName="UserName";
var cookieValue="Duminda";
var expiryDate = new Date();
var oneYearFromNow = expiryDate.getTime() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue)+";expires="+expiryDate.toString()+";";
return true;
<head><title>How to automatically check multiple check boxes using JavaScript </title>
</head><body onload="javascript:setCookie()"; ><form id="formMultipleCheckBox" name="formMultipleCheckBox"> <table border="0">
1. Example code for check whether the cookie is exists or not.
JavaScript Code
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function ifCookieExists(cookieName){
var cookieData=document.cookie;
var cookieLength=cookieData.length;
var x=0;
var endOfCookie;
var cookieExists=false;
cookieExists= true;
return cookieExists;
1. Example code for read cookie data.
JavaScript Code
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function readCookie(cookieName){
var cookieData = document.cookie;
var cookieLength = cookieData.length;
var x = 0;
var endOfCookie;
while (x < cookieLength) {
var y = (x + cookieName.length);
if (cookieData.substring(x,y) == cookieName) {
endOfCookie = cookieData.indexOf(";",y);
if (endOfCookie == -1) {
endOfCookie = cookieData.length;
var cData=unescape(cookieData.substring(y+1,endOfCookie));
return "";
alert("Cookie does not exists");
1. Example code for remove a cookie.
JavaScript Code
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function removeCookie(cookieName){
var expiryDate = new Date();
document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape("")+";expires="+expiryDate.toString()+";";
alert("The cookie has been removed successfully");
alert("Cookie does not exists");
return true;
JavaScript Validation